It’s often said that “it isn’t what you know, but who you know,” and when it comes to job searches, that very well may be true. Of course, it’s important that someone has the necessary skill set and experience to perform the job, but it may come as no surprise that some of the best hires come from employee referrals.

Finding the right job for the candidate and the right fit for the company is important for both parties, and referrals can help facilitate both. Harvard Business Review highlights that referrals work well because both candidate and hiring company gain key insights from the referring party. Employees know the feel and culture of a company and who better to share those experiences with colleagues? Similarly, referring employees also know information about a job candidate such as work ethic, skills, and goals.

AMSG welcomes and appreciates referrals from employees and has a generous referral program. “This program is so effective because not only does the employee benefit by receiving a nice bonus, but AMSG also benefits by being introduced to potential qualified candidates that we would not have been able to source through our regular process. With the current candidate pool being somewhat limited this gives us an extra advantage,” says Tracy Baugh, AMSG Recruiting and HR Specialist.

When a position opens at AMSG, it is shared on the applicant tracking system and pushed out through the corporate career page and job boards. If an employee would like to refer an applicant, there is a form available on SharePoint and/or through their manager.

If an employee refers an individual and the candidate is hired and remains employed with AMSG for a minimum of six months, the referring employee received a bonus per referral.

Research shows that job applicants who were referred tend to stay at jobs longer and are generally more productive. It’s also been shown that referred employees with the same skill set as non-referred employees get hired at higher rates, likely because referring employees essentially help match candidates to positions.

While AMSG’s hiring process is pretty standard among most companies, one of things that makes AMSG standout is upfront presentation of the company’s core values of Competence, Courage, and Compassion. These core values are shared from the initial contact with an applicant, as well as information about the culture and benefits. Job seekers also learn about AMSG’s outreach programs and community involvement.

AMSG’s referral program helps to ensure that AMSG has the right people in the right places to help further the mission by having skilled talent in place to work process-driven solutions.

By: Sheila Rupp, AMSGazette Contributor and Editor