
Award Alert.

CDD TOSS Awarded to AMSG

Award Alert.

Accelerated Business Strategies LLC (ABS) named one of nine awardees of $1.5B Analytic, Technical Support Services (ATSS) IDIQ

Accelerated Business Strategies LLC (ABS) named one of nine awardees of $1.5B Analytic, Technical Support Services IDIQ. Accelerated Business Strategies LLC (ABS), a Small Business Administration approved Joint Venture (JV) formed under the All Small Mentor Protégé Program combines two exceptional DoD focused companies―Advanced Management Strategies Group (AMSG), the SB Managing Venturer, and Xcelerate Solutions, AMSG’s Mentor.

AMSG 2022 year in review.

AMSG Year in Review 2022

So much has happened this year at AMSG! Click to read about all of our accomplishments in 2022.

Group office picture NYC

AMSG Hosts its First Leadership Retreat Marking the Start of a New Era for the Company