What happens when you’re thrown into an unexpected situation? For John Hinson, AMSG’s Director of DoD Programs, it meant leaning on the company’s core values to turn a moment of uncertainty into a powerful learning experience.

Here’s a look at John’s perspective and how things turned out:

Business Executives for National Security (BENS) put on a Senior Leader International Course (SLIC). John Hinson attended as a participant representing Industry with two other BENS members, filling in for our very own AMSG BENS member, our CEO, Jim O’Farrell.

What is Business Executives for National Security (BENS)?

A nonprofit led by senior business and industry executives who apply best business practices to address the nation’s pressing security challenges.

What is the Senior Leader International Course (SLIC)?

The Senior Leader International Course (SLIC) is designed to equip rising leaders from partner nations with the tools to navigate today’s complex global landscape. Participants gain a systemic view of world dynamics, an appreciation for diversity, and the mindset needed for international cooperation.

– 25 senior officers from 17 countries

– A 30-day executive-level course with 156 structured in-resident hours

– 74 hours of experiential learning (group exercises and visualization)

– 82 hours of interactive lectures, discussions, and key leader engagements

– 16 hours dedicated to administrative tasks

An Unexpected Turn

For John Hinson, the invitation to say a few words at the SLIC seemed simple enough. At a casual dinner on August 12th, the instructor, R.V. Gusentine or “Gus”, asked all the BENS representatives to speak during the following day’s session. But what seemed like a straightforward introduction quickly escalated into something much more significant.

Tuesday morning arrived, and John found himself juggling AMSG business on the phone just minutes before his ride to the course. Little did he know, the conversation ahead would be vastly more than the brief remarks he had imagined.

Upon arrival at the Stennis Space Center, John’s first surprise came from the setting — a misleading building (which looked like it was next up on the demolition list), that opened up to a room filled with international senior leaders and large tables arranged for collaborative discussion. Then came the real shock: John discovered he wasn’t just a guest speaker making a simple introduction but was, in fact, one of the three keynote speakers.

With no formal preparation, John faced the daunting task of delivering a speech to a room of distinguished global leaders. Chris Harris was the first to speak, and his presentation seemed to hook the crowd. He recalls leaning over to Meredith Walker and whispering, “Did you prepare a TED Talk?” Only to hear, “Well, he is the keynote speaker.”

Embracing the 6Cs

In that moment, John reflected on the values that AMSG holds dear: Competence, Courage, Compassion, Character, Communication, and Community — the 6Cs. These values not only define the company’s culture but also serve as a guiding force when facing the unknown.

When it was finally his turn to speak, John began as he typically would, sharing his background and connection to BENS. He then transitioned into the core message: the 6Cs. He explained how these values shape AMSG’s work, from federal contracts to the construction of a school in Honduras — a project happening at the same time as the SLIC event.

Despite the initial nerves, John managed to deliver an impromptu speech that captivated the room. His talk, which spanned just over 10 minutes, sparked curiosity about AMSG’s cultural vision and left a lasting impression on the attendees.

As John later remarked:

“Amazingly enough, I was able to speak for just over 10 minutes. I think that at the end of it, no one cared about anything else I said except they were impressed with the 6Cs and wanted to learn a little more about it. I’m so thankful that we’ve got this cultural vision that sets a high standard of expectation — not only for our team but for how we engage with our colleagues and customers.

 The Unseen Email

Adding to the chaos of the day, John realized later that he had received an email at 9:07 a.m. — well after he had arrived at the event — containing guidance for his “introduction” and “engagement” with the SLIC students. The email highlighted the critical importance of understanding the economic pillar of national security — something John would have loved to prepare for in advance.

Yet, through the challenge, John was able to adapt, leaning on the 6Cs to guide him through the unexpected. His speech, though unplanned, was a success, illustrating the power of AMSG’s core values in action.


Written by: Karin Kleps