In a world where global supply chains dominate, Army Veteran Dean Wegner stands out as a pioneer of American manufacturing and a champion of creating domestic jobs. As the CEO of the Nashville-based Authentically American, Dean stands at the forefront of building a new American brand that has quickly become synonymous with quality, patriotism, and sustainability.

His secret sauce? Purpose, innovation, craftsmanship, and quality. By putting these factors at the forefront of his business, Dean isn’t just shaking up American manufacturing, he’s showing the world that it’s possible to build a successful company while making a real difference. His journey is a powerful example of how purpose-driven entrepreneurship transforms mindsets and the way we do business, not just in the United States, but around the world.

The Birth of Authentically American

Founded in 2017, Authentically American – an American-based company that creates jobs for Americans and distinguishes itself by producing all its apparel products domestically – emerged from Dean’s vision to create an iconic American brand, synonymous with brands like Crest, Tide, and M&Ms that he previously worked on earlier in his career. “We were a blank sheet of paper in 2017,” recalls Dean. “But today, we’re a thriving apparel brand. We produce apparel similar to Nike or Lands’ End, but instead of ‘Made in China’, all of our apparel is made right here in the USA.”

From Army Ranger to Entrepreneur

A West Point graduate and former Army Ranger, after serving seven years, Dean cut his teeth at Mars and Procter & Gamble, leading multimillion-dollar sales and marketing campaigns. “When I left the Army, I couldn’t even spell ‘entrepreneur’,” Dean jokes, reflecting on his transition into the business world. “I had no idea this world existed and reason being is because I had an amazing Dad, who for 30 years worked for a Fortune 500 company. That’s what all of his friends and neighbors did, so that was the only world I knew.”

But Dean’s calling for more and his desire to make a tangible difference is what drew him to embark on the challenging world of entrepreneurship. “I had big jobs in big companies and was well paid, but I really wrestled with whether or not I was truly making a difference in the world,” Dean says. “I truly just felt like a cog in a wheel. Today though, knowing I’m making a difference is what drives me each day.”

In 2012, he began his entrepreneurial journey by acquiring an existing government contacting company that produced dress uniforms for the military. “Running that company is where I learned about the history of American-made products,” Dean recounts. “To give you an idea of how rare American-made is, when I graduated from West Point in 1993, over 50% of apparel was made in the U.S. Today that number is tragically only 3%.”

Five years in, instead of pursuing more government contracts, he asked himself, ‘What if?’ “Initially I thought we wanted to win more government contracts to create more jobs, but I realized that in our segment of government contracting, it’s a bidding process and we wouldn’t actually create jobs. It’s more of a job transfer,” he explains. “A lightbulb moment went off for me. I asked myself, ‘What if instead of being a government contractor, what if we built a brand?’”

Creating an Iconic American Brand

“I thought back to the days of working on Crest and Tide and M&Ms, and I thought, ‘What if instead of what 97% of brands do, and chase cheap labor overseas, what if we made the intentional choice to produce right here in the U.S.?’ That’s where it all started, from a blank sheet of paper in 2017, with a vision to build an iconic American brand,” Dean says proudly.

“We found that most people didn’t know where their clothing is made,” Dean reveals. “But that worked in our favor because it gave birth to our tagline, ‘Where is yours made?®’”, highlighting the stark contrast between their American-made apparel and the majority of garments that are internationally sourced.

Authentically American’s Growth and Recognition

In the seven years since launching Authentically American, Dean and his team have gone on to produce everything from polos and socks to sweatshirts and T-shirts, including their innovative and customizable sweat-activated tees. A year in, he got his big break when he received a call to debut Authentically American on FOX & Friends. A year later, he was invited back when FOX & Friends’ Weekend host Pete Hegseth touted their Red/Blue Stars & Stripes Socks as his “his favorite pair” of socks. Forbes, Inc. and SiriusXM have since gone on to feature Dean and the company, amplifying Authentically American’s reach and underscoring its unique selling proposition.

The COVID-19 pandemic further helped Dean and his team refine the Authentically American brand and business. “The pandemic prompted us to start narrowing in on who we are and who we sell to. As a new brand, we need a niche versus selling to and trying to be everything to everyone,” he explains. “We don’t have a Super Bowl-ad budget, so it was and still is important for us to understand our customer and target audience. And for us, the niche we serve is Veteran-owned, Veteran-focused businesses and charities. We serve hundreds of them who are making an intentional choice of American made for their custom apparel.”

Partnerships with Purpose

One such impactful partnership is with Tunnel to Towers, a nonprofit organization supporting Veterans and first responders. Their collaboration began with a mutual commitment to American-made products. This alliance not only strengthened Authentically American’s mission, but also resonated deeply with Tunnel to Towers’ supporters, who recognized the importance of supporting local industries.

Dean’s allegiance to organizations like Tunnel to Towers and his commitment to challenging the status quo of apparel manufacturing, emphasizes the importance of shared purpose in business relationships and supporting local economies that prioritize a lower carbon footprint. “These are rough numbers, but our footprint is 25% lower than a T-shirt that is made in China, put on a boat, and shipped over to the U.S. That means cleaner air, cleaner water, and a cleaner environment,” explains Dean. “We have incredible innovation and incredible technology in the U.S. We also have an incredible workforce, so we can build things here.”

Guiding Principles and Enduring Influence

Beyond business success, Dean reflects on his priorities. “God. Family. Country. That’s how my priorities line up for me,” says Dean. A devoted husband and a father of four, including an adopted son from Ethiopia, Dean is constantly inspired by a desire to make a difference in the world. “150 million,” Dean recounts. “There are 150 million orphans in the world who don’t have a mom or a dad, and who don’t have a loving home. When my wife and I made the decision to adopt, we talked and we prayed about it. And we decided that we can’t adopt them all, but we can adopt one.”

Dean’s story is a testament to the power of a purpose-driven life and purpose-driven entrepreneurship. By prioritizing American innovation and craftsmanship, he is not only revitalizing the landscape of American business and manufacturing, but also demonstrating the power of aligning business success with meaningful social impact. As Authentically American continues to grow, one thing remains certain, Dean Wegner and the Authentically American brand stand as a beacon of hope for a future where quality, sustainability, and community thrive together.

If your business orders custom apparel and you are interested in making an intentional American-made choice, you can reach Dean Wegner at

Written by: Juania Owens

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