As the end of August looms, we approach the official end of summer Labor Day weekend. Many students are heading back to school, and new routines are sure to follow. We can use this new season as an opportunity to start new routines of our own, like increasing productivity by taking a few simple steps.

Make priority lists

Keep a rolling list of priorities, reevaluating whether things need to be moved into higher or lower levels depending on stakeholder needs and deadlines. As new projects and tasks come in, determining what needs the most or immediate attention can help build a schedule or work. You can also determine if you need to delegate tasks in order to complete things on schedule.

Use timers and schedules

The Pomodoro Technique is a method of time blocking where the user sets a timer for a dedicated task and when the timer goes off, the task is wrapped. This can be particularly helpful for larger tasks, especially those that are less desirable or cumbersome, including cleaning a desk or an office space.

Other methods of keeping your schedule on track, like digital calendars with set timers can make a big difference. Set clear, achievable goals for the remaining months of the year and break down longer projects and tasks into manageable steps and milestones.

As your work schedule permits, adjust your work hours. As the days grow shorter and cooler, adjusting schedules to take advantage of daylight hours can enhance focus and energy levels.

Limit email time

Block special hours of your day to check emails and sort into appropriate folders, setting up related actions. Having email open and checking frequently can derail your focus and make you less productive. Messaging apps can also interfere with focus. Many email hosts and networking programs have options like focus time that enable you to easily mute incoming messages and chats.

Stay organized

Start by decluttering your workspace to create a more organized and inviting environment. Keep your workspace tidy and maintain an organized system for managing documents and resources to reduce time spent searching for items. Maintain a good system for naming files, and declutter your files regularly. Use named tab groups to help keep frequently-used bookmark or pages grouped together and help manage open tabs.

Avoid multitasking

While it might seem like multitasking is a good idea, it can actually be detrimental to productivity. Blocking out time dedicated to certain tasks can help a sense of focus and purpose and help get things accomplished more quickly.

Schedule outdoor breaks

Embrace the season’s rhythm by scheduling regular breaks to enjoy the outdoors, which can boost creativity and reduce stress. Taking outdoor breaks significantly enhances productivity by providing a much-needed mental reset and physical rejuvenation. Fresh air and natural light boost energy levels, improve mood, and reduce stress, leading to better focus and creativity when returning to work. These breaks also encourage physical activity, which can reduce the negative effects of prolonged sitting and improve overall health. By stepping outside, employees can return to their tasks with a clearer mind and renewed enthusiasm, ultimately fostering a more productive and positive work environment.

If you live somewhere where the weather is still favorable, consider taking your laptop or work outside to get a little additional fresh air and sun.

Implementing effective productivity routines is essential for maintaining focus, motivation, and efficiency throughout the workday, which also benefits well-being and homelife.

Like students heading to their classrooms with empty notebooks and freshly sharpened pencils, office workers can head into the fall season with a new-found routine to increase productivity with just a few simple tweaks.

Written by: Sheila Rupp

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