On June 15, AMSG, along with Ryde Technologies and Summit Technologies was pleased to present an in-person comedy night benefitting Ukraine. The event was wildly successful! Attendees laughed the evening away and crucial funding was raised for two very deserving charitable organizations.

All proceeds raised at the event are going toward two organizations: the ProEnglish Theatre and Operation Renew Prosthetics.

The ProEnglish Theatre in Kyiv, Ukraine, is a comedy and performance art venue that specializes in English-speaking plays and performances, where actors can try their hand at practicing and learning in English while they prepare for their performances. The money raised will go to assist generator repairs and purchasing, as it was damaged during the invasion, as well as funding plays and comedy nights in the theatre.

Operation Renew Prosthetics (ORP) is a program created by Bill Endicott and Mike Corcoran that provides prosthetics for Ukrainian solider amputees. The organization is part of the Brother’s Brother Foundation (BBF), a U.S.-based 501(C)3 nonprofit.

Thank you to everyone who came out to support the event. We hope you had a great evening!

For more information about the ProEnglish Theatre, Operation Renew Prosthetics, or the Brother’s Brother Foundation, visit their websites.