The history of New Year’s resolutions dates back to ancient Babylon, where if promises were kept, it was said to bring favor from the gods. In modern times, many use the start of a new year to set goals. Some will head to the gym or lace up their sneakers with new fitness goals. Some make plans to break old habits or create some good ones. Others may use the new calendar year as inspiration to learn new skills.

The new year is a natural time to bring about change. Approximately 38% of adults make a New Year’s resolution. The AMSG editorial team is no different. While we may have different approaches to the concept of New Year’s resolutions, we all find the new year a clean slate full of promise and new opportunities.

Marketing Manager Chrissie Constable selects a word of the year which carries throughout both her personal and professional lives. Chrissie’s 2024 word is balance.

“I am happiest when I strike a good work/life balance,” says Chrissie. Chrissie looks forward to balance in wellness activities such as running and lifting as well as in non-wellness hobbies, such as reading, in the upcoming year. “Last year I read four books in a month then went four months before I borrowed another book! It’s not all or nothing!”

Like Chrissie’s word of the year, Copy Editor and Writer Sheila chooses a theme. This year, she is choosing intention.

“I want to be more intentional in all areas of my life, from being more intentional about creating quality time for family, to being intentional in working toward larger goals through smaller steps and milestones,” says Sheila. “In the past, I’ve found that it can feel overwhelming to work toward lofty goals. I want to be more mindful about how smaller goals and steps can get me toward the ultimate goals.”

While 38% of adults make resolutions, data shows that only 9% of people succeed with the New Year’s resolutions they set. In fact, a whopping 43% of resolution setters give up by the end of January!

Whether you set out to start a new hobby, learn a new skill, move the needle on your fitness goals, or just turn the page on your calendar, the Editorial Team wishes you a fresh and happy start to 2024.

Written by: Sheila Rupp