You can change the world!
Elvis Presley once stated, “Values are like fingerprints. Nobodies are the same, but you leave them all over everything you do.” (13 Inspirational Quotes for Values-Based Living).
In June 2024 our CEO, Jim O’Farrell, sent AMSGers an email with a link of Steve Jobs having an internal meeting with his Apple team in which Jobs attempted to stress the importance of focusing on Apple’s core values in marketing. (Steve Jobs on Marketing and Values (
Steve Jobs reflectively said, “We’re not going to get a chance to get people to remember much about us, so we have to be really clear on what we want them to know about us.” In preparing to market Apple, he reminded his team, “Our customers want to know who is Apple, and what is it that we stand for.” Steve Jobs mentioned that at Apple’s core, it believes that “People with passion can change the world for the better, and that people that are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that actually do.”
To bring Jobs’ remarks home to his AMSG audience Mr. O’Farrell wrote, “People with passion, who are LOVED by their employer, can change the world for their customers, their families, and their communities.”
AMSG’s core values – Competence, Courage, Compassion, Character, Communication, and Community – are always kept before us, not only in word, but also in deed. Jim O’Farrell proudly wrote, “We’re a company that cares deeply about the missions of our customers. We’re a company that loves our people – YOU! We’re a company full to the brim with people like you, who care about our customers’ missions, care about each other, and care about your families, neighbors, and communities.”
He then proceeded to ask fellow AMSGers, “Who is AMSG, and what do we stand for in this world?”
The responses were inspiring. They clearly attested to the fact that at AMSG we practice what we preach, and that the “fingerprints” of our core values are seen in everything we do. I include some AMSG team member responses below:
Brian Smith described the core value of Community through the family-like atmosphere he experiences at AMSG. He stated, “AMSG brings people together from very diverse backgrounds to form a FAMILY! Every time I see another AMSGer it typically is not just a handshake, it is a hug…”
Brian Reese listed multiple ways in which AMSG is making a difference. He wrote, “Because AMSG is a government contractor, we have opportunities to serve, and in some cases, continue to serve clients with meaningful missions. Because AMSG cares about AMSGers, we have opportunities to be part of the small-town, family-like atmosphere where we can thrive personally and professionally.”
Penieli Vaisagote’s response confirmed that Character and Compassion are exemplified in AMSG’s leadership. He mentioned that he has personally experienced what “putting people first” looks like and that, “AMSG is the gold standard for leadership, that needs to be emulated throughout all organizations.” He further stated, “AMSG inspires me to be a good leader in my footprint, and I hope that I am an example and a good representation of AMSG leadership on a daily basis.”
Riding upon the leadership theme, Alana Prince shared, “Jim is the true definition of a Leader! You are building a team of leaders and I am proud to be a part of the pack!” Ms. Prince also stated that AMSG means, “Excellence with compassion and the commitment to build a community of employees/family that strives to accomplish what no other company has ever done before!”
So, fellow AMSGer, who are you and what do you stand for? In what ways can you embody AMSG’s core values? Be crazy enough to believe that by doing so you too can change the world, because you can!
Written by: Gloria Shunda